How do I create and send a lease in my portal?

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NOTE: Nomad STRONGLY recommends that you end your lease on the last day of the month to simplify the move in/move out fees and prorations.

Need to edit, cancel, or revise your lease? Learn how here!

Lease Generation FAQs

Q: What happens after I sign the lease? When does the resident see the lease?

A: Once you click finish, Nomad's system will automatically send the lease to your chosen applicant group! You can monitor the status of their signature by coming back to this page. You will receive further instructions from Nomad once all parties have signed the lease.

Q: How do I know the rental rate? Has Nomad negotiated a rental rate?

A; You are in charge of the rental rate. Nomad will not negotiate a rental rate on your behalf. If a potential resident asks us to negotiate on the rate, we will point them to you to have that discussion.

If you have not had a discussion with the resident about the rental rate at this point, it is safe to assume that your advertised rate is the rate that they are expecting.

Q: How do I get in contact with the applicant if I need to discuss or clarify something?

A: Applicant contact information is contained on the "Review Application" page, which is the first page you will see after selecting an application to move forward. If you have already generated a lease, you can also see the applicants' contact information in the lease in Section 1.2

Q: How do I know the security deposit amount?

A: You will set the security deposit amount. Nomad does not set this for you. Nomad provides security deposit guidance related to applicant credit score on the "Review Application" page. Learn more about security deposits at Nomad here.

Q: What do I put for the Security Deposit Amount if my resident has opted into the Security Deposit Alternative plan?

A: You will put the total amount of the security deposit that you've agreed upon in this field, even if your resident has opted into Nomad's Security Deposit Alternative Plan. Nomad will calculate the appropriate fees and installment payments. The amount you put in the lease is the amount that will serve as your Security Deposit.

Q: How do I attach multiple files to the lease?

A: You can only attach one file to the lease. If you have multiple files that you need to attach, you will need to combine them into one file. You can do this by using a site like to create a single document for free.

Q: How do I make changes to a lease I've created?

A; To make changes to a lease you've already created, you'll need to cancel the current lease. Anything you've inputted should remain in the lease. After you've cancelled it, you can redraft it. Learn how to cancel here: